What is the age range of the parties?
Most guys are their 20s and 30s, There is no hard age limit but that's the age of most people.
Where are the parties held?
Currently the parties take place at the home of one of our organisers, which is situated between Aldgate and Whitechapel stations. The 'Wing men' events are wherever the event is for that particular meeting.
How many people attend?
Generally between 5 and 15, sometimes more.
I only play safe, can I come to these parties?
You're more than welcome to attend the wank and suck groups and the wing men events, there's no fucking at the wank and suck parties and you can choose your own level of safety when we go out. The bareback groups are for guys who want to fuck raw so you can't attend and use condoms for them.
How do I see pics of people who will be coming to these events?
We don't share photographs of the guys attending our parties. When you come to an event you won't know who is coming, it's a surprise for everyone.
I tried to log in to the site - how do I do that?
The login is for group organisers, it's not for group members.
Can I bring a friend to the parties with me?
Everyone has to go through the standard sign up process. If you have been to the parties before, you can contact us via email and send some photos of the guy you would like to being along and say why you think they'd fit in. I'll take you recommendation seriously because I have good experience with referrals. If you've not been before, please get your friend to apply through the website.